.. _contact-info: ################### Contact Information ################### These fields document identification and contact information for individuals, positions, or organizations to be listed as points of contact in the metadata. ******************** Name and Affiliation ******************** .. csv-table:: :widths: 40, 600 :header: "Field", "Definition" "First Name","The given name for the individual point of contact." "Last Name","The surname for the individual point of contact." "Postion","The position or professional title of the person whose names are given in the prior fields. It can also be used without an individual's name to document a position or title at an organization that is to be the point of contact, regardless of who holds the position." "Organization","The organizational affiliation of the person whose names are given in the prior fields. It can be used with or without either an individual's name or a position title, to document the organization that is to be the point of contact or responsible party." ******************* Contact Information ******************* The mailing or physical address of the person, position, or organization listed as the point of contact. .. csv-table:: :widths: 40, 600 :header: "Field", "Definition" "Address 1","The street address for the point of contact." "Address 2","Another field for the street address, just in case." "City","The city or municipality for the point of contact." "State","The state or administrative area for the physical address for the point of contact." "Postal Code","The zipcode or postal code for the physical address for the point of contact." "Country","The country for the physical address for the point of contact." "Email Address","An appropriate email address for the point of contact." "Phone","A phone number for hte point of contact, with country and area codes." ****************** Research Identfier ****************** Researcher identifiers provide a unique, persistent digital identifier to distinguish individual researchers and scientists from other, similarly named researchers. .. csv-table:: :widths: 40, 600 :header: "Field", "Definition" "Identifier Type","The name of the researcher identifier system. Select one from the drop down. If you're using an identifier system that's not on the list, use the feedback form to ask to have it added to the available options." "Identifier","The researcher identifier value specific to the individual listed." **** Role **** Every contact added in the metadata editor must be assigned a role describing the individual point of contact's relationship to the resource, in terms of their role or roles during planning, generation, analysis, or publication of the dataset. When that relationship is explicit based on the location of the contact in the metadata editor, that value is automatically assigned by the Research Workspace Metadata Editor. Anytime the *Role* field and corresponding dropdown list of values is shown, the metadata author must select a role from the list of options. If no value is selected, that contact will not appear in the exported metadata record. Role code values in the dropdown are listed and defined in the :ref:`role-code` table.